Book Chapters

Wakkary, R., Hauser, S., & Oogjes, D. (2019). The Disappearing Acts of the Morse Things: A Design Inquiry into the Withdrawal of Things. In Wiltse, H. (Eds.) Relating to Things That Relate to Us. (In Progress, Forthcoming).

Wakkary, R., Hauser, S., & Oogjes, D. (2018). Displacement: Attending to the Role of Things in Theories of Practice Through Design Research. In Maller C, Strengers Y. (Eds.) Social Practices and Dynamic Non-Humans. Nature, Materials and Technologies. (pp. 151-171). London: Palgrave Macmillan. [Link]

Desjardins, A., Hauser, S., McRae, J. A., Ormond, C. G., Rogers, D., & Zandvliet, D. B. (2015). Harnessing Youth Activism with/in Undergraduate Education: A Case Study of Change Lab. In EcoJustice, Citizen Science and Youth Activism (pp. 349-361). Springer International Publishing. [Link]


Journal Articles

Wakkary, R., Desjardins, A., & Hauser, S. (2016) Unselfconscious Interaction. Interacting with Computers. 2016; 28 (4): 501-520. doi: 10.1093/iwc/iwv018. (19pgs). [PDF]

Wakkary, R., Desjardins, A., Hauser, S., & Maestri, L. (2013) A Sustainable Design Fiction: Green Practices. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI). 20, 4, Article 23 (2013). (34pgs). [PDF]


Conference Proceedings (all refereed through blind peer-reviews)

Hauser, S., Suto, M.J., Holsti, L., Ranger, M., & MacLean, K.E., (2020). Designing and Evaluating Calmer, a Device for Simulating Maternal Skin-to-Skin Holding for Premature Infants. In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’20). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Paper 201, 13 pages. *Best paper award! [PDF coming soon]

Hauser, S., Oogjes, D., Wakkary, R., Verbeek, P. (2018). An Annotated Portfolio on Doing Postphenomenology Through Research Products. In Proceedings of the 2018 Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS ’18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 459-471. (12pgs). *Best paper award! [PDF]

Hauser, S., Wakkary, R., Odom, W., Verbeek, P., Desjardins, A., Lin, H., Dalton, M., Schilling, M., & de Boer, G. (2018). Deployments of the table-non-table: A Reflection on the Relation Between Theory and Things in the Practice of Design Research. In Proceedings of the ACM conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’18). ACM, New York, NY, USA. (13pgs). [PDF]

Wakkary, R., Oogjes, D., Lin, H., & Hauser, S. (2018). Philosophers Living with the Tilting Bowl. In Proceedings of the ACM conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’18). ACM, New York, NY, USA. (12pgs). *Best paper honorable mention award! [PDF]

Wakkary, R., Oogjes, D., Hauser, S., Lin, H., Cao, C., Ma, L., & Duel, T. (2017). Morse Things: A Design Inquiry into the Gap Between Things and Us. In Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS’17). 503-514. (12pgs) *Best paper honorable mention award! [PDF]

Wakkary, R., Odom, W., Hauser, S., Hertz, G., & Lin, H. (2015). Material Speculation: Actual Artifacts for Critical Inquiry. In Proceedings of The Fifth Decennial Aarhus Conference on Critical Alternatives (AA ’15). Aarhus University Press 97-108. (11pgs). [PDF]

Wakkary, R., Schilling, M., Dalton, M., Hauser, S., Desjardins, A., Zhang, X., & Lin, H. (2015). Tutorial Authorship and Hybrid Designers: The Joy (and Frustration) of DIY Tutorials. In Proceedings of the ACM conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’15). ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp. 609-618. (10pgs). [PDF]

Hauser, S., Wakkary, R., & Neustaedter, C., (2014). Understanding guide dog team interactions: design opportunities to support work and play. In Proceedings of the 2014 ACM conference on Designing interactive systems (DIS 14). ACM, NY, USA, pp. 295-304. (10pgs). [PDF]

Wakkary, R., Desjardins, A., Odom, W., Hauser, S., & Aflatoony, L., (2014). Eclipse: eliciting the subjective qualities of public places. In Proc. of the 2014 conference on Designing interactive systems (DIS 14). ACM, NY, pp. 151-160. (10pgs, Pictorial). [PDF]

Hauser, S., Desjardins, A., & Wakkary, R., (2014). SFUture: envisioning a sustainable university campus in 2065.Sabrina Hauser, Audrey Desjardins, and Ron Wakkary. 2014. Sfuture: envisioning a sustainable university campus in 2065. In Proceedings of the 2014 companion publication on Designing interactive systems (DIS Companion ’14). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 29-32. (4pgs). [PDF].

Hauser, S., Wakkary, R., & Neustaedter, C. (2014). Improving guide dog team play with accessible dog toys. In Proc. of CHI EA’14. ACM, NY, USA, pp. 1537-1542. (6pgs). [PDF][Poster].

Hauser, S., Desjardins, A. & Wakkary, R. (2013). Design Activism in the HCI Classroom. In Proc. of CHI EA’13. ACM, NY, USA, pp. 2119-2128. (9 pgs, alt.chi). [PDF]

Hauser, S., Desjardins, A., & Wakkary, R. (2013). Skateboards as a mobile technology. In Proc. of  CHI EA’13. ACM, NY, USA, pp. 1419-1424. (5 pgs). [PDF][Poster]

Hauser, S., Wakkary, R., and Neustaedter, C., (2013) Work vs. Play: A Study of Guide Dog Team Interactions. GRAND NCE Conference, Research Notes, Grand’13. (4pgs). [PDF]

Calderon, N, Hauser, S., Bartram, L., and Fisher, B. (2012) Addressing Situational Awareness Analytical Systems: an Information Visualization Approach. In Poster abstracts of the 9th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management 2012 (ISCRAM 2012). Vancouver, Canada. Proceedings retrieved from [PDF]


Other scholarship contributions (articles, panels, abstracts, posters, invited talks)

Hauser, S. and Verbeek, P.-P. 2019. Assistance Dogs and Technological Mediation: On Animals, Technologies, and the Boundaries of the Human. The 2019 annual meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S). In Event: Postphenomenology – III: The Boundaries of Humans and Technologies. September 4-7, 2019. New Orleans, USA. (Paper Abstract and Talk).

Hauser, S. 2018. Doing Postphenomenology through Things: Interdisciplinary Overlap Between Design Research and Philosophy of Technology. 2018 Conference on Human-Technology Relations: Postphenomenology and Philosophy of Technology (PHTR 2018). University of Twente, The Netherlands. (Paper Abstract and Talk).

Hauser, S. (Organizer), Wakkary, R. (Co-Organizer); van Dongen, P., Robbins, Toussaint, L., Wiltse, H. (Panelists). (2018) Postphenomenological Design Research Investigations. A Panel at the 2018 Conference on Human-Technology Relations: Postphenomenology and Philosophy of Technology (PHTR 2018). University of Twente, The Netherlands. (Panel).

Wakkary, R., Odom, W., Hauser, S., Hertz, G., & Lin, H. (2016). Material Speculation: Actual Artifacts for Critical Inquiry. interactions 23, 2 (February 2016), 44-48. [PDF] [Link]

Hauser, S. (2015) Utilizing Mediation Theory in Interaction Design Practice. 2015 Symposium on Human-Technology Relations: Postphenomenology and Philosophy of Technology (PHTR 2018). University of Twente, The Netherlands. (Invited 45-min. Research Talk).

Blevis, E., Hauser, S., & Odom, W. (2015). Sharing the hidden treasure in pictorials. interactions, 22(3), 32-43. [PDF] [Link]

Hauser, S. (2014) Invited talk of my work with and for guide dog teams. BC Guide Dogs. Vancouver, Canada. (July 2014). (2.5hrs talk).

Hauser, S. (2014) Invited talk on my work with and for guide dog teams. 10th National Guide & Assistance Dog Conference (PAWS For Independence), October 17-19, 2014 in Vancouver, Canada. (20min talk).

Hauser, S. & Schilling, M. (2013) Programming with vvvv, a hybrid graphical & textual programming language. Vancouver Mini Maker Faire Speaker Series 2013. (June 2013). (1h talk and live prototyping with vvvv).

Hauser, S., Desjardins, A., Wakkary, R.,(2013) Rethinking and Envisioning Sustainable HCI and the Role of Interaction Design. In Post-Sustainability Workshop at CHI 2013, Paris, France. (Position paper for a Workshop).

Hauser, S. & Duda, S. (2011) Doktor im Design – Geburt einer Schnittstelle (transl.: Doctorate in Design – birth of an interface), In Format – Magazine of University of Design Schwäbisch Gmünd.

Hauser, S. (2011). Interaction Design: Designing the Future. Talk at Hobit, largest German university information fair, Darmstadt, Germany



Hauser, S. (2018) Design-Oriented HCI through Postphenomenology. Doctoral Dissertation (English). [PDF]

Hauser, S. (2010) ageo – portal system for creating individual applications using geographical data. MA Thesis (German). [PDF]

Hauser, S. (2007) Prediction Markets – a Marketing-Decision-Support-System-Tool based on Collective Intelligence. Diplom Dissertation (German). [PDF]