Craft, DIY & Making Design PORTFOLIO

GRAPHIC DESIGN: Wednesday Seminars and Event Posters – HfG

I designed a few posters for while working at HfG. Some of them for example for Wednesday Seminars, events for which guest speakers are invited to come in and give a talk in the afternoon. They’re great! Another example is a bilingual poster I crafted about the interaction design study program. Poster design wasn’t a part of my job, but more a fun thing to do for me.


Design Information Systems PORTFOLIO

APPLICATION DESIGN: Schedule- & Roomplanning System – HfG

Hochschule für Gestaltung (HfG) Schwäbisch Gmünd. Spring, Summer 2010. Supervised by: Prof. Hans Krämer

This project was done during my employment at the HfG. The school was in the need of an efficient schedule- and room-planning system. Up until that time an academic assistant had done all the scheduling and planning in inDesign and without any software helping with logic, issues etc!

I worked on developing an information system that was supposed to be used for the universities schedule and room planning. Among other abilities, the system exports its information through different channels such as terminal displays, that will be located on different sites on campus, personalized schedules in common formats that can be downloaded and email information services. Through the process of that project, I monitored the different user-groups and conceited the system along with its information structure. After implementing the database, Markus Lorenz Schilling as a Research Assistant and I developed the graphical user interface.

Unfortunately, the system was never realized; costs ended up being too high. However, I did end up finding a system on the market used in secondary schools, that worked for the HfG and was in a leading position organizing the implementation of it in 2011. That system is still in use.


Design Information Systems PORTFOLIO

MASTER THESIS: Portal System Design for Geo-Applications – HfG

Master Thesis, HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd, MA Communication Planning and Design, July 2009. Supervisor: Prof. Joerg Beck and Prof. Ralf Dringenberg


Title: ageo is a system for creating individual applications that use geographic data.

Through a comprehensive analysis of satellite navigation and in particular the European system Galileo, the concept of ageo was created. ageo is a draft for a user-oriented tool, based on the following factors:
– the enormous market development of satellite navigation
– the state of today‘s geo-applications
– current research on software and application model
– the development of online users from regular consumers to prosumers (professional consumers) to produsers (producing consumers)
– the Open Source trend of Web 2.0

ageo presents an online platform, which is available for users without programming knowledge but also for those with substantial programming skills. Individual applications for stationary or mobile use are created by selecting multiple data in a browser system. The data can be found on the one hand on the system database that is supplied and extended by users and on the other hand personal data can be added.

After selecting the data for the application, the user selects various settings and then exports the application. According to a better presentation and perception, scenarios of using the system and screen drafts have been created. They are also the basis for further processing. The concept has to be enhanced by a system-specific processing, including several evaluation processes.

I presented a thorough analysis of satellite navihgation and galileo, a new concept for an online platform system, scenarios in which the system would be benefitial, application designs of the system, and a detailed use scenario. An ovierview of it all can be seen on the poster seriesin the images below. See also application design screens, and parts of my documentation of the design project.

My documentation can be found HERE.



HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd, Communication Strategies, Fall 2008. Instructor: Prof. Ulrich Schendzielorz

As our target for developing a communication strategy we chose a primary school (montessori) nearby. We first analyzed the situation of the school. The schools learning methods are some kind of special because it is a montessori school. One problem is that the school has to close if they don’t get more students. In our project we had an analysis phase and did research on the issue to get familiar with it. We identified the most important problems of the schooland after that created a strategy. So we made some decisions on goals and positioning of the school and pointed out the main idea of the strategy. Then we created a fact sheet with all information needed for the actual strategy.

There were different outcomes of the project. A moodboard, a Corporate Identity with typo, logo, colors and office equipments etc. as well as the development of different communicative actions like press releases, posters for the school, flyer etc.

Project in collaboration with another student, Sonja.

Design PORTFOLIO Research

DESIGN RESEARCH: Ergonomic Evaluation, Course Work – HfG

HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd,Ergonomic Studies, Spring 2008. Instructor: Prof. Dr. Habil. Jürgen Held

For a course on ergonomics, we had to individually conduct an ergonomic evaluation of a man-machine system. I chose a ticket machine of the Deutsche Bahn.

Find my documentation HERE.


STRATEGIC DESIGN: Eating Disorder Network – HfG

HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd, Communication Planning and Design, Spring 2008. InstructorProf. Joerg Beck and Mareike Graf.

This was a collaborative project for the entire master cohort of my year (6 students). We were briefed by the addiction agent of the regions government Mr. Weiß. He introduced himself and the network of eating disorders “Netzwerk Essstörungen Ostalbkreis” (NEO).
NEO is a network that wants to optimize the communication of existing therapies for eating disorders and at the same time they want to help patients and their affiliated to get easier onto the structures of the different therapies.
After the briefing we identified problems and goals of NEO and analysed protagonists and processes as well. Among other points we analysed the networks previous actions, the four disease patterns, the lifes of affected people, the ideals of beauty, our eating culture, as well as any previous actions on the issue eating disorders.

Some results came up. Our team used a wall in our office building as a work tool and even generated it with some modifications into a poster for the universities exhibition. I built a mirrow which makes people look very fat to show the deformed body picture of the people that have eating disorder problems. Some project analyzations were visualized on posters.


TYPOGRAPHY: Book Covers, Ernst Jandl ‘Laut und Luise’ – HfG

HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd, Typography, Spring 2008. Final Assignment – Book Cover Re-design. Instructor: Tanja Huber

I attended the typography course of the bachelor programm of communication design during my master studies at the University of Design Schwaebisch Gmuend.

The final assignment was the re-design of a book cover in a factual/functional (1) and illustrative (2) style. I chose the book “Laut und Luise” from Ernst Jandl. In tanslation the title means “loud and quiet” but the word quit is spelled wrong on purpose and becomes a German name. The book is about language and the wrong use of syntax and it is a very famous work. Ernst Jandl was an amazing writer, poet and artist. Read about him here:


TYPOGRAPHY: Course Work Communication Design-HfG

HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd,Typography, Spring 2008. Instructor: Tanja Huber

Because I came to design school without prior studies in design, I took the typography course of the BA program Communication Design during the first term of my masters. We learned typographical basics and made use of those in several projects.

This course was an incredibly helpful introduction to design and typography.