
BA STUDIO COURSE: Interactive Inform. systems, mentor at HfG

When I was working at the HfG, I also got be involved in mentoring students. Daniel Utz taught the course “Interactive Communication Systems” to 2nd year Interaction Design Students and I helped him mentor the project teams (7 teams of 3-4 students) as a teaching assistance.

This dates back quite a bit and the project wiki from this course has been updated. But HERE are similar projects from the same course, from when it was taught more recently; and THIS PROJECT is a good example with an english video. Students can chose to do either a more physical/hardware design project or a software application project. The aim is to communicate information through a designed interactive system. Such systems can often be found in museums. In the beginning workload has to go into an information analysis before design phases start.

[Featured Image of this post taken from Flickr.]