Simon Fraser University, SIAT, Everyday Design Studio.
In 2013, collaboratively with my research group at the Everyday Design Studio we designed a research artefact: the table-non-table (TNT).
I have lead multiple series of deployment studies with the table-non-table between 2013-2017. The table-non-table is a main part of my doctoral work and thesis in which I explore how non-utilitarian design artefacts mediate human-world relations through the lens of postphenomenology.
The table-non-table is a moving table-like heavy structure made of about 1000 sheets of stacked paper on an aluminum chassis. It challenges assumptions around use-centric, utilitarian ideas of technologies and technology design. The table-non-table, informed by the notion of everyday design, manifests an approach that sees interactive artifacts as resources for creative use and reuse. It is our approach to design for everyday competences (for instance competences around using paper as a material is well-known). In previous studies, we looked at practices of everyday design and their composition of material, competences, and meaning (see our TOCHI 2013 paper).
The TNT and its study findings have been mentioned and described in several publications:
Hauser, S., Wakkary, R., Odom, W., Verbeek, P., Desjardins, A., Lin, H., Dalton, M., Schilling, M., & de Boer, G. (2018). Deployments of the table-non-table: A Reflection on the Relation Between Theory and Things in the Practice of Design Research. In Proceedings of the ACM conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’18). ACM, New York, NY, USA. (12pgs). [PDF]
Wakkary, R., Desjardins, A., & Hauser, S. (2015) Unselfconscious Interaction. Interacting with Computers. iwv018. (pp.1-20).
Wakkary, R., Odom, W., Hauser, S., Hertz, G., & Lin, H. (2015). Material Speculation: Actual Artifacts for Critical Inquiry. In Proceedings of the 5th decennial conference on Critical computing: Critical Alternatives. (CC ’05). ACM Press. (accepted, in press).
OdomW., & Wakkary, R. (2015). Intersecting with Unaware Objects. In Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Creativity and Cognition (C&C ’15). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 33-42.