
STUDIO COURSE: 2nd year 2017, Interaction Design – Emily Carr Univ. of Art & Design

Following up our success of Spring 2016 (CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION AND IMAGES OF THIS COURSE!) , in the Spring term of 2017 I co-taught the 4D Core Design Studio III course at Emily Carr University of Art and Design in collaboration with Markus Schilling. This course is an introduction to Interaction Design for 2nd year design students with an Interaction Design mayor. We developed the curriculum for this course which has been taken up by other instructors as well.

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RESEARCH ARTEFACT & STUDY: Morse Things, crafting & deployments – SFU

Simon Fraser University, SIAT, Everyday Design Studio.

The Morse Things project investigates the nature of relations between people and computational things in the making of everyday life. Specifically, Morse Things explores the notion of the Internet of Things, in addition to connectivity, sensing and data, the project aims to understand the materiality, temporality and human relationships that constitute and potentially undermine the current concept of the Internet of Things.

At the center of the Morse Things project are multiple sets of three networked ceramic cups and bowls. The cups and bowls digitally communicate between themselves as they progress over time toward an “awareness” of their potential group and networked existence. The data communication between the Morse Things is expressed through sound by each cup or bowl in Morse code; and over the Internet on Twitter.

The Morse Things are continuously being deployed in several long-term (several months) studies in peoples’ homes and apartments. The aim of the project is to make material and visible the non-human to non-human communication among digital things. Our goal is to understand the long-term and lived with experiences these create and unexpected opportunities that are constructed through our daily lives with such artifacts.

The Morse Things were made with the assistance of Material Matters (ECUAD) with funding support by 4TU.Federation – Design United, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), NSERC and SSHRC.