
STUDIO COURSE: 4th year 15/16, Interaction Design – Emily Carr Univ. of Art & Design

In the Fall term of 2015 and the Spring term of 2016 I co-taught the 4D Core Design Studio VI course at Emily Carr University of Art and Design in collaboration with Haig Armen. This course is for 4th year design students with an Interaction Design mayor. In this course students are working on their main B.A. thesis projects over the course of two terms. I will share outcomes at the end of the term on this site.

“This team-taught course offers exposure to key aspects (values, concepts and skills) of 2D, 3D, and 4D Design. Students independently engage in design research and methods, analyze, design, present and evaluate ideas to meet required objectives through individual and group projects. Discussion and reflection help students make informed decisions about their personal and professional development. Collaborative and contextual project work is emphasized in order to develop students’ community-based multidisciplinary teamwork, project management and client management skills” (From the ECU course website).

See the courses syllabus here.

Here are some examples of student’s work: