PORTFOLIO Research Teaching

CLASSROOM RESEARCH: Design Activism & HCI Education – SFU

Simon Fraser University, SIAT, PhD Studies, Fall 2012 – Spring 2013

Design activism has a recognized role in design disciplines such as graphic design, sustainable design and architecture. Yet, it has less prominence within HCI (Human-Computer Interaction). Although, design activism has been present in HCI work, it has not been articulated as such. For instance, sustainable HCI and Sustainable Interaction Design are well-known research areas in HCI that involve design activism. In a paper published in 2013, we present two case studies that show design activism in the classroom as examples from which to learn. We highlight themes and observations to encourage future articulation and practice of design activism in HCI and HCI education.

Hauser, S., Desjardins, A. & Wakkary, R. (2013). Design Activism in the HCI Classroom. In Proc. of CHI EA’13. ACM, NY, USA, pp. 2119-2128. (9 pgs, alt.chi)

One of our Case Study is the course Change Lab, which Audrey and I took as participant observers. Audrey and I also co-authored a book chapter, in which we share our experience of that.

Desjardins, A., Hauser, S., McRae, J. A., Ormond, C. G., Rogers, D., & Zandvliet, D. B. (2015). Harnessing Youth Activism with/in Undergraduate Education: A Case Study of Change Lab. In EcoJustice, Citizen Science and Youth Activism (pp. 349-361). Springer International Publishing.

Project in collaboration with Audrey Desjardins and Ron Wakkary at Simon Fraser University, SIAT.