
RESEARCH STUDY: car2go EcoScore, Before-After-Control-Impact Study – SFU

Simon Fraser University, SIAT, Course on quantitative research methods. Instructor: Professor Bernhard Riecke

I got the chance to collaborate with the carsharing company car2go in Vancouver. I conducted a Before-After-Control-Impact (BACI) Study investigating the impact of car2go’s Eco-Score on members driving behaviour.

The Eco-Score monitors the efficiency of the members driving style by measuring the accelerations, the breaking maneuvers, and the overall driving style for the most efficient fuel economy. It calculates Eco-Scores and presents them to the driver. The displays in the cars show how efficient the driving style is by showing percentage values of the three categories acceleration, evenness of driving, the vehicles roll-out. Each value is illustrated with a picture of a tree, which gets bigger with better values.

Here is the final class paper of this work.