Design Information Systems PORTFOLIO

INFO VISUALIZATION: Emergency Management – SFU

Simon Fraser University, SIAT, PHD student work, Research Assistant, Fall 2011

In my first three terms as a Ph.D. student at SIAT I had a cooperative Research Assistantship with Dr. Brian Fisher and Dr. Ron Wakkary. I worked in the field of Interaction Design and Visual Analytics (VA) for Emergency Management. Through ethnographic observations during the GreyCup activations of the Vancouver Emergency Operation Center (EOC) I started prototyping a VA tool for Situational Awareness with the consideration of integrating social media as a source of information. The tool presented scenarios of how to present and interact with situational reports that are pulled together through gathered information from multiple sources, including social media.

We presented a poster about this research at ISCRAM2012 (Integrative and Analytical Approaches to Crisis Response and Emergency Management Information Systems).

Calderon, N, Hauser, S., and Bartram, L., “Addressing Situational Awareness Analytical Systems: an Information Visualization Approach,” In Poster abstracts of the 9th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management 2012 (ISCRAM 2012). Vancouver, Canada.