Hochschule für Gestaltung (HfG) Schwäbisch Gmünd. Spring, Summer 2010. Supervised by: Prof. Hans Krämer
This project was done during my employment at the HfG. The school was in the need of an efficient schedule- and room-planning system. Up until that time an academic assistant had done all the scheduling and planning in inDesign and without any software helping with logic, issues etc!
I worked on developing an information system that was supposed to be used for the universities schedule and room planning. Among other abilities, the system exports its information through different channels such as terminal displays, that will be located on different sites on campus, personalized schedules in common formats that can be downloaded and email information services. Through the process of that project, I monitored the different user-groups and conceited the system along with its information structure. After implementing the database, Markus Lorenz Schilling as a Research Assistant and I developed the graphical user interface.
Unfortunately, the system was never realized; costs ended up being too high. However, I did end up finding a system on the market used in secondary schools, that worked for the HfG and was in a leading position organizing the implementation of it in 2011. That system is still in use.