HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd, Communication Planning and Design, Spring 2008. Instructor: Prof. Joerg Beck and Mareike Graf.
This was a collaborative project for the entire master cohort of my year (6 students). We were briefed by the addiction agent of the regions government Mr. Weiß. He introduced himself and the network of eating disorders “Netzwerk Essstörungen Ostalbkreis” (NEO).
NEO is a network that wants to optimize the communication of existing therapies for eating disorders and at the same time they want to help patients and their affiliated to get easier onto the structures of the different therapies.
After the briefing we identified problems and goals of NEO and analysed protagonists and processes as well. Among other points we analysed the networks previous actions, the four disease patterns, the lifes of affected people, the ideals of beauty, our eating culture, as well as any previous actions on the issue eating disorders.
Some results came up. Our team used a wall in our office building as a work tool and even generated it with some modifications into a poster for the universities exhibition. I built a mirrow which makes people look very fat to show the deformed body picture of the people that have eating disorder problems. Some project analyzations were visualized on posters.