
TYPOGRAPHY: Book Covers, Ernst Jandl ‘Laut und Luise’ – HfG

HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd, Typography, Spring 2008. Final Assignment – Book Cover Re-design. Instructor: Tanja Huber

I attended the typography course of the bachelor programm of communication design during my master studies at the University of Design Schwaebisch Gmuend.

The final assignment was the re-design of a book cover in a factual/functional (1) and illustrative (2) style. I chose the book “Laut und Luise” from Ernst Jandl. In tanslation the title means “loud and quiet” but the word quit is spelled wrong on purpose and becomes a German name. The book is about language and the wrong use of syntax and it is a very famous work. Ernst Jandl was an amazing writer, poet and artist. Read about him here: